Mission Light

 May 19 Wednesday

First period was optional. Neena Ma'am had assigned us content analysis in the last class. But we were having some confusions and ma'am resolved all of them.

Then we discussed how to write a lesson plan and what are the steps in writing a lesson plan. Ma'am gave us a brief idea.

Also she divided us into two groups based on roll numbers. I am a first group member. The topic assigned to us is light and it's properties and the other group got the topic sound and it's properties. Ma'am told us to select a topic for preparing a lesson plan for a thirty minutes class. We are working on that.

Next period was supposed to be taken by Maya ma'am. But there was no class on google meet but students done their presentations as audio clips and shared them on whatsapp group

 Today's question of mathletics were related to thermal resistance and I have answered it.


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