Learning curve

 September 14 Tuesday 

On the first period  Ancy ma'am lead us into the discussion on Kothari commission.

Kothari commission

National education commission or Indian education commission is a sixth commission in post independent India. Dr Kothari was the chairman of this commission and it was having an international panel of 20 members and the report is having total 287 pages, four sections and 19 chapters. that emphasized on unity of India  promoted 3 language system vocational education.

Education and productivity , scientific or technical education , vocational education, social and national integration were the aims of the commission. Free and compulsory education science education and research work experience location education achieving social and national integration where the main recommendations put forward by Kothari commission.

Its merits where comprehensive realistic approach and it raised the position of teachers and its demerits where it not stressed on head of institutions, medium of instruction is not arranged properly.

Today Giby ma'am discussed more about learning.

Characteristics of learning

Its main characteristics where progressive , continuous , relative , adjustment,  development,  advancements, relatively permanent, growth, and purposeful behaviour modification and desirable change. The factors affecting learning include learner factor, teacher factor, learning experience, learning environment, learning method, school related factors , social factors and home factors.

There were mainly four types of learning they are motor learning verbal learning concept learning and discrimination learning.

Then mainly there are four types of learning curves they are: first one is uniform Curve second one is negatively accelerated learning curve third one is positively accelerated learning curve and the last one is learning plateau or plateau in learning.

On the last period George sir continued the class on track marking.we studied about non- standard track.


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