Microteaching 2

 Sept 4 2021

 Today was the day of second micro teaching session. Skill I have chosen was the skill of illustrating with examples.

I selected the topic buoyancy from standard 9. I have used a demonstration, image and self prepared video as examples. Firstly  I shown a demonstration with a stone and a blade, then an image of a ship and a video regarding the up thrust experienced by a bottle in a bucket of water.

Also including the Google drive link of that self-prepared video here.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eDeZgzymBp1k5zdSm0puPMjiQbYfxE6g/view?usp=drivesdk

I have got a number of excellent reviews from my peer group. I feel very much happy about that 5 minutes. Now I am sharing the youtube link of my class...



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