Secondary school education

 October 12 Tuesday 

First period was handled by Maya ma'am and today we discussed about the limitations in secondary school education.

The limitations in secondary school education include lack of competent teachers, unilinear in nature, vocational training is not there, individual difference is not considered, evaluation must be flexible along with the curriculum that is in flexible, it is highly book is and vary from real life reality of time table there is no scope for experimentation, teaching is not attractive for development of integrated personality and social efficiency is not stressed , secondary education should feel the learning app from primary education but it is not happening,  infrastructure lakh , lack of life skill training, authoritarian  system, rigid and undemocratic system, the lack of student participation in decision making.

In the next period and Ancy ma'am discussed about measures of dispersion or measures of variation. Range , quartile deviation , mean deviation and standard deviation are the measures of dispersion. they are the indices of stress or scattering of individual measures from the mean of a set of measure.

On the next period was optional. We discussed about characteristics of research.

Characteristics of research include objectivity, validity reliability, accuracy, credibility, generous ability, systematic , logical, not self-contradictory, critical analysis , generalisation, with  methodical, replicable, feasible, ethical, relevant, originate from a problems.

Last period was optional and we continued our seminar sessions


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